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Principal's Weekly Letter

February 1st, 2025

This week at ELS

We kicked National Lutheran Schools Week on Monday with some school wide Spirit Cheers!  We were able to do some of our planned activities and show our school pride.  Unfortunately, some of our events were washed out on Thursday and Friday.  We plan to reschedule a few events, specifically the 5th Annual Lip Sync Battle for Middle School.  In addition, the raffle drawing will take place next week.  Thank you for the HUGE support in the canned food drive.  Boxes were overflowing!  Kindergarten and 1st graders celebrated 100 days of school on Tuesday!  I saw lots of great illustrations and creations representing 100.  Thank you for your support and understanding this week as we had some significant changes to our schedule.  

Re-Enroll ASAP for 2025-2026 School Year

There are 16 days remaining for the re-enrollment priority window and classes are filling up.   On February 17th, we will begin testing new students and taking enrollees who are currently on our waitlist.   

All the information you need can be found HERE.  RE-ENROLL ASAP!

Chapel Offerings

Our offerings for the 2nd quarter are over $300.  Thank you!  We will send all 3rd Quarter offerings to the Pacific Southwest District to be used for the California fires.  

Calendar Dates

February 4th - Flatbread Pizza Fundraiser.  Get your dinner at Flatbread on Tuesday and proceeds will support the Band Trip to Oahu.  See flyer below for details.  

February 17th - No School - Presidents Day

February 20th - Open House 5:30-7:00 

More details will be provided this week.  We will serve a catered buffet dinner and offer some incentives to families who share this event with others.  Be on the lookout for multiple ways you can share this evening with new families!   

February 21st - 5th Annual Fun Run

Thank you for the donations we have received so far $11,402.00 with 24.10% of our students participating. We hope we can count on your generous support for this important fundraiser.  With 100% participation, we will be able to reach our school goal of $50,000.00.  Donations can be made online to your child's page.  They will also be collected in the office and credited to the corresponding student account.  Prizes will be distributed each Friday.  MAHALO for a great start this week!  School will dismiss at 1:30 on the 21st.  After school care will not be available.

March 2nd - Children’s Sunday - 9:00 AM

March 4th - Accreditation Team Onsite - HAIS (Hawaii Association of Independent Schools)

March 17th-28th - Spring Break

Vacation Bible School - A note from Mrs. Johann (repeat from last week)

We are excited to announce that we will be having Vacation Bible School (VBS) again this year from July 7th - 11th from 9AM - 12PM. We welcome all kids entering Kindergarten - 5th grade in the 2025-2026 School year.  

This year’s theme will be an Alaskan VBS called True North.  Please mark your calendars and keep checking back on Emmanuel’s Website for both volunteer and children signup.  We can accommodate up to 100 children but we need many volunteers to make VBS a reality and a success.  

Please consider volunteering for the many different positions and/or supplying lunch for the volunteers and snacks for the children!    If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, please contact Nancy Johann,

Looking forward to sunshine on Monday

Mr. Rempfer


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