January 17th, 2025
This week at ELS
This week was a busy one. I didn’t make it to every classroom but I know for a fact that all classes were MAP testing. We have next week to make sure all students are finished. These results will be sent home with 3rd quarter report cards. If your child was absent for any reason this week and didn’t finish, that’s okay! We will make sure they are finished up next week.
Re-Enrollment for 2025 - REPEAT from last week
It is that time of year! All the information you need can be found HERE. Current families have exactly one month from today (Jan 17th) for our priority window. After February 17th, we will begin adding students from our waiting list. The attached information should cover all instruction for re-enrollment, financial aid, tuition and the calendar for the 2025-2026 school year.
Chapel Offerings
With the recent fires in California we felt that it was appropriate to send our 3rd quarter chapel offerings to the Pacific Southwest District. These funds will be used to help provide for families affected by the damage and destruction. Our offerings for the quarter amount to $142.70. Many schools in this district supported ELS after the fires last fall.
Calendar Dates
January 13 - January 24 - MAP Testing Window - Winter Sessions
January 20th - No School - Martin Luther King Jr Day
January 25th - Rummage Sale - Band Trip Fundraiser
Items can be dropped off at school Thursday (Jan 23rd) and Friday (Jan 24th)
January 27th - January 31st - National Lutheran Schools Week - Spirit Week
February 17th - No School - Presidents Day
February 21st - 5th Annual Fun Run
March 2nd - Children’s Sunday - 9:00 AM
March 4th - Accreditation Team Onsite - HAIS (Hawaii Association of Independent Schools)
March 17th-28th - Spring Break
1st Annual ELS Golf Tournament
On June 14th, ELS will be hosting its first annual golf tournament at the Dunes Golf Course. In order to run a successful and profitable event, it is important to start planning early. We would like to form a committee to help with the planning process. Please fill out this brief form if you are interested in being a part of this committee. We will have our first meeting at the end of the month. More details and information to follow.
Enjoy your 3 day weekend!
Mr. Rempfer