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Principal's Weekly Letter

January 24th, 2025

This week at ELS

We finished up our MAP testing for the Winter Session.  I saw some excellent work and lots of signs indicating growth.  I was also able to pop into a few classrooms this week.  Preschoolers and 3rd graders had a little reading buddy time together.  Kindergarteners were practicing sounds and the letters they belong to as well as a little handwriting.  1st graders were working on a morning checklist that included reading logs, fluency checks and math review.  2nd graders were quietly working on their Zearn lessons for math.  4th graders were discussing how the author’s tone can affect the reader's mood.  5th graders solving story problems that included fractions.  6th graders did some geometry review and fraction review.  7th graders did some work with functions and 8th graders used graphing calculators to illustrate the solutions for systems of inequalities.  FUN STUFF!

Re-Enroll ASAP for 2025-2026 School Year

It’s hard to believe we already need to begin thinking about next year!  There are 24 days remaining for the re-enrollment priority window.  On February 17th, we will begin testing new students and taking enrollees who are currently on our waitlist.   

All the information you need can be found HERE.  RE-ENROLL ASAP!

Chapel Offerings

Our offerings for the 2nd quarter are close to $250.  Thank you!  We will send all 3rd Quarter offerings to the Pacific Southwest District to be used for the California fires.  

Calendar Dates

January 25th - Rummage Sale - Band Trip Fundraiser

TOMORROW from 7AM - 12PM - Come support the band and find a good deal.

January 27th - January 31st - National Lutheran Schools Week - Spirit Week

Please look here for the Spirit Week Details.  We will have dress days, competitions, and our 5th annual Food Drive Raffle.  Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are Double Ticket Days!Canned Food Themes

  • Monday - Bring Anything

  • Tuesday - Double Tickets for Protein

  • Wednesday - Double Tickets for Canned Veggies

  • Thursday - Double Tickets for Boxed Items (Rice, Cereal, Macaroni, etc.)

  • Friday - Bring Anything

February 17th - No School - Presidents Day

February 21st - 5th Annual Fun Run

You should have received an email this week with information for your child’s donation page.  Feel free to share it with family and friends.  The official kick off will be Tuesday when Mr. B comes to tell classes all about it!

March 2nd - Children’s Sunday - 9:00 AM

March 4th - Accreditation Team Onsite - HAIS (Hawaii Association of Independent Schools)

March 17th-28th - Spring Break

1st Annual ELS Golf Tournament (Repeat) - It would be great to have at least 3 more on our committee

On June 14th, ELS will be hosting its first annual golf tournament at the Dunes Golf Course.  In order to run a successful and profitable event, it is important to start planning early.  We would like to form a committee to help with the planning process.  Please fill out this brief form if you are interested in being a part of this committee.  We will have our first meeting at the end of the month.  More details and information to follow.

Vacation Bible School - A note from Mrs. Johann

We are excited to announce that we will be having Vacation Bible School (VBS) again this year from July 7th - 11th from 9AM - 12PM. We welcome all kids entering Kindergarten - 5th grade in the 2025-2026 School year.  

This year’s theme will be an Alaskan VBS called True North.  Please mark your calendars and keep checking back on Emmanuel’s Website for both volunteer and children signup.  We can accommodate up to 100 children but we need many volunteers to make VBS a reality and a success.  

Please consider volunteering for the many different positions and/or supplying lunch for the volunteers and snacks for the children!    If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, please contact Nancy Johann,

God’s Blessings!

Mr. Rempfer


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